
Hey and welcome to my site! I am penetration tester who has been in the field for over 5 years now, starting initially in more of a digital forensics based role then venturing into the world of offensive security. My favourite aspect of offensive security is infrastructure testing, I enjoy testing Windows Active Directory environments and am constantly looking for ways to improve. In the future, I would eventually like to transition into a red/purple teaming role, focusing on how an organisation can detect and prevent unauthorised access to their systems.

In my sparetime, I love tackling CTF challenges. My favourite platforms have to be PentesterLab and Hackthebox.eu, they’re absolutely brilliant for learning new techniques. I also enjoy coding in Python, I write mostly small scripts to help me within my day job, automating boring tasks, writing exploits etc.

Non-work related hobbies include taking part in Crossfit classes, I will get that fabled muscle-up one day! I also enjoy playing the guitar, however rarely find the time any more. I am also now a father and have two doggos, all of which keep me on my toes daily! :)


Day to day, I work as a penetration tester, performing a wide array of security assessments for clients across a range of sectors.

I am competent in performing:

  • External, Internal and Wireless Network Penetration Testing;
  • Web Application and API Penetration Testing;
  • Build, Firewall & Configuration Reviews;
  • Restricted Environment/Breakout Assessments.

Continuous Professional Development:

Throughout my career I have pursued a number of certifications and training courses. Please see below for further information.

I have attended/taken the following training courses throughout my career:

  • Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation - Offensive Security
  • Penetration Testing with Kali Linux - Offensive Security
  • DevSecops - NotSoSecure
  • The Art of Hacking - NotSoSecure
  • Malware Investigator - 7Safe

I have achieved the following certifications throughout my career:

Certification Year Achieved
Crest Registered Penetration Tester (CRT PEN) 2019
Crest Practioner Security Analyst (CPSA) 2019
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) 2018
7Safe Certified Malware Investigator 2017

I have also been a member of Hackthebox since 2017, although I rarely find the time to keep up with new boxes at the moment. You can check out my profile below.

Hack The Box