
Dann · September 20, 2018

So a couple of months ago marked my one year anniversary of becoming a Penetration Tester (June). Since that time, I’ve read hundreds of blogs, made thousands of notes and definitely bookmarked half of the internet under the “I might read this one day” category. Maybe a slight exaggeration there, but seriously it’s alot!

So I thought I’d be original and start a blog where I can keep a note of all the things that have helped me and at the same time, try and give something back to the infosec community.

I’ll just reiterate some of the things I’ll be writing about, taken from the my about page:

This blog is going to mostly contain short posts that will discuss different offensive security techniques. I also plan on adding some CTF writeups at some point, along with some tutorials and tips on how to get into the field of penetration testing.

Thanks for reading :)

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